Location : Bandungan
Travel distance : ± 10 minutes by car
: ± 60 minutes by pedestrian
Information : The temple was discovered by Raffles in 1804 and is the cultural heritage of the Hindu dynasty era dynasty 9th century (927 years BC).
This temple has similarities with the Dieng temple located in Wonosobo. The temple is situated at an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature is cold enough (ranging between 19-27 ° C)
Location 9 temples scattered on the slopes of Ungaran Mountain. In landscape around of the site there is also a neat pine forests and springs with sulfur contain.
Location : Ambarawa
Travel distance : ± 30 minutes by car
Information : Maria Kerep cave is a shrine located in the Students’ Army Way, Village Long, Ambarawa. This place is a pretty good place for prayer, pilgrimage, and refreshin.The distance is about 500m from Ambarawa bus station. Because it is away from the highway, then this area is pretty quite .In this place you can see the views of Telomoyo, Merbabu mountain, and Lake of Dizziness swamp. Gua Maria Kerep has facilities for pilgrims, among other Way of the Cross, Lesehan Prayer Points, the Church, and a garden.
Location : Ambarawa
Travel distance : ± 30 minutes by car
Information : This museum is one of the Historical Tourism in Indonesia, located in Ambarawa city center. In this place there are relics of ancient technology that was formerly used as a means of transportation for Indonesian people before independence until the middle of 1964. Historical value of the transportation means in the form of steam boiler which is an implication invention by James Watt steam engine. This place also provides tour packages steam train ride through jagged rail that can be enjoyed by both young and old.
Location : Ambarawa City Centre
Travel distance : ± 30 minutes by car
Information : Palagan Ambarawa is a monument of Indonesian history that comes with the museum has a collection of ancient relics of colonial weaponry. Location with an easy reach, as is located alongside the main road close to Semarang and Yogyakarta tourist railway museum located in Ambarawa.
Location : Ungaran
Travel distance : ± 30 minutes by car
Information : This tourist spot has some appeal, among them such as:
a. Swimming pool with natural spring water clean and healthy sources
b. A beautiful view
c. Fishing pond
Location : Ambarawa
Travel distance : ± 30 minutes by car
Information : Dizziness is a swamp water attraction in Semarang regency, Central Java. The area has _ + 2.670 hectares, and occupies districts Ambarawa, Bawen, Tuntang, and Banyubiru. Bogs located on the slopes of Merbabu Mountain, Telomoyo Mountain, and Ungaran Mountain. Almost entire surface is covered marsh plants such as Gondok ponds, hyacinth plant has also been covered by Tuntang River, especially upstream.